How to use the Redbubble rank tool to make money easily? And what it can do?

Updated at 2023-02-28 20:37:36

Redbubble Rank is a very powerful rank analysis tool

With this tool, you can check the top 5000 ranking products on Redbubble on live! Additionally, this tool provides much useful information such as rising trends, product details, Hot Product Tags, and historical ranking. All these infos can help you better understand how your products may perform on Redbubble, so that can make you better decisions, inspiration and develop more suitable strategies.  And the best part is that it's all free!

Now, let's take a look at what this tool can do for you.

At the first part, you can easily make a search on the current products according to your needs.


Then we got the results with many details.

Such as the RANK, which displays the current ranking of the product on Redbubble. You can also sort the ranking from high to low or low to high. Then there is Change, which shows the rise and fall of the product ranking since the last update.




On the Product section, we got the picture of the product and the title, You can click the button to directly jump to the Redbubble store.

And the Tags button shows the popular tags used on the product, and you can even delete some that you don’t like or copy all of them at one time - how great is that!?


You can also see the product's Historical Ranking from the beginning of the launch until now. With this ranking graph you can determine its popularity and sales based on seasons or holidays.


At last, if you like the product chosen and it‘s strategy and concept, then you can simply click the button below the Operation to save it as a favorite so that allowed you check it anytime.


See, everything is that simple, just be professional and make easy money now!